Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Shameless Begging and Threadless Submissions!

I'm so close!! If any of you out there were on the fence about my Phoenix and have not voted, please vote. I think I'm about to lose my place at third and that's just heartbreaking to me. :( However, the sub that's currently competing with me is very good and I have a lot of respect for the artist. The competitive and broke side of me still wants to win though!! ;)

I've got three Threadless subs up that could use your love. Some of you guys may remember these from Woot, and if you liked them then, here's a chance to support them again. It was convenient that Threadless' current contest theme is typography since I had "Juicy" and "Betta" laying around from Woot's Art as Text Derby. I thought I might as well try them out. Sesshomoru makes an appearance in the "Betta" comp. :) I had to change his color though because he clashed.


Peavey said...

I gave you my vote. Nice work. I may even buy this one if it wins a spot, I think it will.

Just out of curiosity, what is the kickback for winning a spot in the Woot derby?

theinfinityloop said...

Thanks. First, Second, and Third place each get $1000 for the first day of sales. Then they get $2 per shirt per shirt sold on sales after that day.